Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Five Essential Oils for Tummy Trouble

Essential oils have been used for thousands of years for supporting the the body's many functions. I, however, have only been using them to support my family's health for a couple of years. But I will never look back!

My essential oil tips are recommended for use only with pure, quality therapeutic grade essential oils. If you would like information on where to get them, please send me a message!

These are my top 5 essential oils to help with stomach problems for your whole family:


Peppermint has naturally soothing qualities. The go-to tea for people with tummy troubles is always peppermint tea! But what if I told you that one drop of pure peppermint essential oil equals about 28 cups of peppermint tea? It makes sense, then, that a drop of peppermint on your tongue or a couple of drops rubbed on your abdomen would help ease the occasional upset stomach.


Fennel essential oil is my daughter's very favorite. It tastes like black licorice so she always feels like she's getting a special treat. I love it because it helps calm the odd bout of nausea or indigestion. Again, a drop on the tongue or a couple of drops rubbed onto the abdomen.


Ginger is great for the digestive system. It can help to ease occasional discomfort from gas, indigestion or nausea. You can take a drop or two in a veggie capsule or dilute 1-2 drops with a carrier oil such as coconut oil and rub it over your stomach. Another good way to use this one is by putting a couple of drops on the bottom of your feet. It may sound crazy, but it's true! It gets into your system quickly that way because that's where our biggest pores live!


I love cypress oil! I think it smells great and it gives me a sense of calming. I also use it to help "deflate" when I'm feeling bloated. Just a couple of drops rubbed around my abdomen! (Are you sensing a pattern?)


Alright, I don't actually have this one yet. Hopefully soon! But I have smelled it and used it and it seriously smells so good. It has a lot of similarities to Peppermint, but I think Peppermint can sometimes be a bit in your face, while Spearmint is a little milder. But since they are similar, they do share some benefits, including aiding you when you sometimes get that crabby tummy.

Please remember that pure essential oils are powerful so a little goes a long way. Dilution with a carrier oil is recommended for skin sensitivities and when using oils for your little ones.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.

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